Wedding Videographer St Louis


“I approach all of my camera work with the goal of achieving two qualities: awesomeness and authenticity. I know 'awesomeness' kind of sounds cheesy, but I mean it. To be awesome means to induce awe. I want my work to induce awe in every single one of my clients… to leave them with dropped jaws and blown away at the sight of their gallery and/or film. But in pursuit of creating something awesome, I aim to never lose sight of authenticity… the real smiles, the real laughs, the real tears. I never want a shot list or cool idea to override the genuine, candid moments. A good picture or video is not meant to be merely seen or heard, but felt. So if you choose to work with me, I promise both awesomeness and authenticity!”

Avery Roberson | Owner of Sunday Film House